
Year In Review


Top 10 Smarter Alloys Moments of 2020

It would be easy to focus on the ways COVID-19 has made everyone adapt and adjust during the past year, but 2020 featured some amazing highlights too:  

10. Werewolves Attack!

Our first attempt to maintain social interaction while physically distancing involved mystery, murder, and mayhem as teammates competed virtually to eliminate all the werewolves in Smarterloo We left the game at a score of Villagers 1 – Werewolves 1, so it’s time to break the tie, no?

9. Red Hot!

A cross-team collab resulted in a complete redesign of the Asanic valve actuator and demonstration of laser processed tuning on high-temperature alloys.

8. Pack-A-Prius

The staff of SmarterAlloys collected enough food and cash donations to provide 1,027 meals for people in need in our community! 

7. Team Red vs Team Black

We have grown the team from 16 to 22 members. This means we officially have enough to have a Smarter Alloys soccer match. In addition, we supported four co-op terms and one internship!

6. Energized Website

In August we launched a brand-new website at SmarterAlloys.com showcasing our technology, equipment, and employees. 

5. The Forum

Two orthodontists, Dr. Kozlowski and Dr. Palleck, presented cases featuring the use of our SmartArch Orthodontic Archwire at Ormco’s forum in Palm Desert, CA.

4. It’s Alive!

We successfully installed our heat engine prototype for testing at Last Spike Brewery in Calgary, Alberta successfully demonstrating electricity generation from industrial waste heat.

3. Funding Award

Sustainable Development Technology Canada is providing funding support for the Smarter Alloys heat engine.

2. Bill Gates

Smarter Alloys was selected to join the Breakthrough Energy Solutions Canada Cohort focused on reducing CO₂ emissions. This funding is supported by Natural Resources Canada in partnership with Breakthrough Energy Ventures and Business Development Bank of Canada.

Bill Gates tweeted his congratulations to the winners here:

1. 221 Shearson

We secured our new 9,000 ft² space in October and will be completely moved in by the end of January 2021!

Montage of the fun times from 2020

* Disclaimer: Gatherings seen in the montage took place before the pandemic.

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